Fast deliveries, solution expertise, training and consulting services

Learn more

SUSE is the leading independent Enterprise Open Source company, founded in 1992. Pioneer in software-defined infrastructure and beyond. More than 90% of SAP HANA deployments and more than two-thirds of the Fortune Global 100 companies worldwide trust SUSE.

SUSE, now with Rancher, offers the industry’s most adaptable Linux operating system and the only open Kubernetes management platform. Together with SUSE’s Edge solutions, you can innovate fast and transform according to your own priorities.

(Click boxes for key information)

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

SUSE Linux Enterprise is a multimodal operating system that paves the way for IT transformation in the software-defined era. The modern and modular OS helps simplify multimodal IT, makes traditional IT infrastructure efficient and provides an engaging platform for developers.

Using SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, you can easily deploy and transition business-critical workloads across on-premise and public cloud environments. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is available on the x86_64, Arch64, ppc64le and System Z hardware architectures. In addition, SUSE Enterprise Linux can be run top of any major hypervisors as well as any cloud platforms – where is especially beneficial to BYOS (Bring Your Own Subscriptions).

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP

SUSE is the only SAP-endorsed OS for SAP S/4 HANA and SAP based applications, and as an interesting detail: SAP HANA was originally developed on SUSE for SAP. SAP Endorsed Apps are premium-certified by SAP with added security, in-depth testing and measurement against SAP’s highest standards and benchmarks.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications is a leading Linux platform for SAP NetWeaver, SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA solutions. More than 90% of SAP HANA installations is powered by SUSE. It enables you to reduce downtime of critical operations with built-in business continuity and automated data recovery for SAP HANA, boost performance & optimization for mission-critical SAP applications and configurations, and minimize the time and effort to transition to SAP S/4HANA and deploy SAP landscapes with a unified solution that includes automated SAP application installation, Windows to Linux migration aids and superior support.

Learn more: Seven reasons to choose SUSE for SAP Hana [pdf]

SUSE Manager

SUSE Manager delivers best-in-class Enterprise Open Source infrastructure management focused on lowering costs, improving DevOps efficiency and easily managing large complex deployments across IoT, cloud and container infrastructures. It manages multiple Linux distributions (including Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Alibaba Linux (coming) and AWS Linux (coming)). It manages hardware platforms including x86, IBM Power and IBM Z, as well as physical, virtual and cloud environments; all from a single centralized console. SUSE Manager is designed to help Enterprise DevOps and IT operations teams reduce complexity and regain control of IT and IoT assets, increase efficiency while meeting security policies and optimize operations with automation to reduce costs to your Edge, Cloud & Datacenter environments.

Only SUSE Manager combines software content lifecycle management (CLM) with a centrally staged repository, class leading configuration management and automation, plus optional state of the art monitoring capabilities, for all major Linux distributions with multi-tenancy capabilities – which is unique combination!

Learn more: Introducing SUSE Manager [pdf]

Rancher Kubernetes Management

Rancher is a CNCF certified Kubernetes platform, complete software stack for teams adopting containers. It addresses the operational and security challenges of managing multiple Kubernetes clusters across any infrastructure from datacenter to cloud to edge, while providing ITOps/DevOps teams with integrated tools for running containerized workloads. It’s very scalable and supports up to 1M clusters – and you can run your containers anywhere in any platform.

Learn more:

Rancher Datasheet [pdf]
DIMICO Case Study [pdf]

e-Book: Kubernetes for Dummies

Kubernetes is a useful tool that allow Enterprises to deploy, scale, and manage containerized applications anywhere from datacenter to cloud to edge. But aligning your business to take full advantage of Kubernetes requires careful consideration. This guide will help walk you through that process.

Contact suse[@] to get your copy!


For Managed Service Providers and who sell SUSE products as a service we have specified MSP program to make things as easy as possible for you: covering – but not limited to – all above SUSE products!

Benefits to work with Nordicmind and SUSE:

Pay as you go

Hourly/monthly/quarterly/annual reporting

No commitments, no upfront requirements

Very competitive pricing

Get benefit from MSP pricing from day 1

Contact our SUSE team: suse(at) or fill the form below.

Optimize Your Subscriptions!

Tell us about your environment and we will tell you how to cut-off 30-50%!

Three most common use cases where we have found success and significant savings for many customers:


You are buying SUSE subscriptions from AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud market places. It’s simple, one invoice including everything – but pricing is high.


You have multiple different expiration dates for your subscriptions and making renewals one-by-one, which is typically the most expensive way.


In some cases one, three or five years upfront payment is not the most ideal way, maybe monthly PAYG model is made for you?

Contact our SUSE team: suse(at) or fill the form below.

Contact us

Let us know if you are interested in particular product, services or training.

You can reach our SUSE team by email: suse[@]
Additional contact details and contact form here

Take a look at some of the Nordicmind & SUSE news and events

SUSE Cloud Native TechTalks in Helsinki, Gothenburg & Stockholm | March 2025

Welcome to this quarter’s SUSE TechTalks, where we will take you through the latest news within SUSE’s cloud native offering, SUSE Rancher Prime - giving you also a deep dive into SUSE Observability and SUSE Virtualization. Learn how you can get better visibility into...

SUSE Partner Sales Enablement Event | January 28, 2025 in Stockholm

Welcome to an exclusive SUSE Partner Sales Enablement Event! In this session you’ll gain the knowledge and tools to effectively identify opportunities and recognize sweet spots – and of course unlock new revenue! SUSE is experiencing double-digit growth globally,...

SUSE Ecosystem Day for Partners | Stockholm | Nov-6-2024

Join us at our upcoming SUSE Ecosystem Day to get the latest updates from SUSE. After the presentations, you're invited to join us food and drinks - a great way to connect with other partners and meet the SUSE team. When: 14:00 - 18:00, November 6th, 2024 Where: 7A...

Exclusive Lunch 21.8.2024: From SUSE AI to Enhanced Observability and Unified Linux Management @ Hotel Kämp, Helsinki

Welcome to a delicious 2-course lunch at Hotel Kämp in Helsinki, on August 21, and learn about the latest updates from SUSE We will start the morning with highlights from the recent Customer Conference 'SUSECon', including SUSE's acquisition of StackState and the...

SUSE Tech Talks -aamiaisseminaari 23.4. Helsingissä: Kuinka suojaat Kubernetes-ympäristösi tuntemattomia uhkatekijöitä vastaan?

Mikropalveluiden ja konttiympäristöjen käytön kasvun myötä IT-ympäristöön kohdistuu uudenlaisia haasteita, osa tunnettuja ja osa tuntemattomia. Varsinkin tuntemattomia on vaikea torjua perinteisin menetelmin. Tule nauttimaan meidän kanssa aamiainen ja samalla...

CENTOS-YMPÄRISTÖJEN JATKUVUUDEN TURVAAMINEN | Lounastilaisuus 19.3.2024 & Webinaari 21.3.2024

CentOS Linuxin tuki päättyy 30.6.2024 (EOL, End of Life), jonka jälkeen järjestelmiin ei enää saa käyttöjärjestelmä-, ohjelmisto- ja tietoturvapäivityksiä. Useat CentOS-käyttäjät ovat nostaneet esiin kysymyksiä nykyisen CentOS-ympäristönsä turvallisuudesta sekä...

Lunch & Learn: Ensuring The Continuity of CentOS Workloads | Feb-8-2024, Oslo, Norway

CentOS Linux will reach its end of life (EOL) on June 30, 2024. This means those systems will then stop receiving software updates and patches from the CentOS community. There are many questions that has been raised by CentOS users, especially how to ensure the...

Managing and Protecting Kubernetes in Production | Feb-1-2024, Stockholm

Allt fler av dagens IT-miljöer flyttas till molnbaserade lösningar som är containerbaserade, där applikationer i Kubernetes-kluster körs överallt. Under det här eventet kommer vi att ta en närmare titt på vad som krävs för hantering och säkerhet för...

Pizza & Linux Management Meetup, Oslo, April 11th, 2024

Meetup: Pizza & Linux Management April 11th, 2024 at 17:00 - 20:00 @ Oslo How to centrally manage various Linux distributions, no matter if those are running on-prem or in the cloud? How can you run and automate tasks in mixed Linux environment from a single...

SUSE EXCHANGE | Helsinki 28.11.2023 | Stockholm 12.12.2023

Meet Nordicmind team in SUSE Exchange events in Helsinki and Stockhom! Ps: We will have a very nice lottery among the attendees at the end of both events.   SUSE EXCHANGE As we navigate the complexities of an increasingly digital world, it has become imperative...